On Wednesday, November 17th, 2021, at 5:30pm, ASCE SF YMF collaborated with SFSU and UC Berkeley to speak about a few of YMF's journeys to become where they are now! The seminar presentation went over 30 mins due to many awesome questions from the members! We got to learn about SF ASCE YMF and meet members from ASCE Student Chapter at UC Berkeley! A huge thank you to YMF and we will be collaborating with them in the future so do be on the look out for more exciting events together!
Feel free to email them if you have any questions! They would love to help you!
SF YMF: sf.asce.ymf@gmail.com
Ho-Shing Chau: hchau@brwncald.com
Joyce Lin: Joyce.lin@wsp.com
Maxwell Armenta: marmenta@brwncald.com
Rune Storesund: rune@storesundconsulting.com
If you may have missed our meeting, don't worry! Please feel free to check out recorded videos of the meeting down below!
Check out the recorded videos of the meeting here: They are in two parts due to Zoom technical difficulties.
Part 1:
Part 2: